Road Map of "Seventy Miles about Sheffield" - Overview

Click any location on the Map for more detail of that area.

1-5,1-5 1-5,6-10 1-5,11-15 1-5,16-20 1-5,21-25 1-5,26-30 6-10,1-5 6-10,6-10 6-10,11-15 6-10,16-20 6-10,21-25 6-10,26-30 11-15,1-5 11-15,6-10 11-15,11-15 11-15,16-20 11-15,21-25 11-15,26-30 16-20,1-5 16-20,6-10 16-20,11-15 16-20,16-20 16-20,21-25 16-20,26-30 21-25,1-5 21-25,6-10 21-25,11-15 21-25,16-20 21-25,21-25 21-25,26-30 SquaresMap

Note: the map has a grid of concentric circles, with their centre at Sheffield - just visible on this overview. The radius of the outmost circle is approximately 70 miles, hence the “70 Miles about Sheffield”.

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