St Mary & St David's Church, Kilpeck
The Norman church par excellance, three-celled - nave, chancel, apse, so often photographed in books, was my overall destination today. I could have rushed in and gone quickly and missed so much. If you come spend some time here and the building works its magic on you. Here is some of the best 12th century figure carving in the country, including a complete corbel table around the outside - some humerous, one enchanting (a soppy dog and a hare) and a couple very rude (including a sheila-na-gig). To the west is a large motte and bailey castle. On the motte remains of a shell keep, and the best view of the day across the countryside towards Hay Bluff. The sun was low and I decided that this was the place to end the ChurchCrawl. (Information provided by Phil Draper)
Image contributed by Phil Draper on 26th January 2007.