St Cosmas & St Damian's Church, Stretford (Arched Recess)
This is the first time I''ve seen a statue recess with its effigies intact! This is one of two in the church, both set against the north wall; unfortunately I missed seeing the other one, which (according to the guide book) is of similar workmanship and appearance. They are understood to date from 1320-50, confirmed by the style of armour worn by the knights, and the dress of the ladies - both of whom wear wimples, and long sleeved gowns. Both knights have shields on their left arms carved with the arms of the lords of the manor - de la Bere. It is believed they are Robert de la Bere (d. after 1334) and his wife Margaret (Gamage), and their son John, and his wife Agnes (Turberville). (Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)
Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 28th July 2009.