St Peter's Church, Titley
St Peter's is a “modern” church, being designed by E. Haycock jun. in 1868. Internally, Pevsner tells us, there is old plate - for example, a chalice dating back to 1569, and an almsdish dated 1712 by Anthony Nelme, though he makes no reference to the fact that it is a rebuild - mentioned in Littlebury's Directory of Herefordshire, 1876-7 as costing £1,800. Conversely, the Post Office Directory of Herefordshire of 1856 tells us that the church of that year was itself a rebuild of about 1748, and it was “in good repair; it has nave, chancel, with coloured glass east window, tower, bell and stone font”. Unfortunately we were unable to go inside on the day of our visit for more details, but we do know from other sources that it contains monuments, dating from the early 18th century of the GREENLEY family who lived at nearby Titley Court, and tombs of the HARLEY family of Eywood. In the churchyard too, are memorials from this earlier date. (Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)
Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 5th June 2008.