Abraham Darby's Bridge, Ironbridge

Recent Photograph of Abraham Darby's Bridge (Ironbridge)

This iconic bridge was constructed by Abraham Darby III, beginning 1777 and completed in 1779. It is the first ever to be made of cast-iron, and surprisingly one of the first, of those surviving today, to be built across the River Severn,[1] at a time when ferries were the customary means of crossing. It was preceded by Llandrinio Bridge (1775), and Atcham Bridge (1776). Other bridges built before them have since been replaced. As a consequence, of what was, for the time, a ground-breaking engineering project, Coalbrookdale, in which the bridge is set, has become known as the “cradle” of the Industrial Revolution.[2]

(Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)

[1] Article featuring a List of crossings of the River Severn (Wikipedia)
[2] See for yourself by taking a Virtual Tour on the Ironbridge Gorge Museums website: www.ironbridge.org.uk/

Image contributed by Mel Lockie in May 1987.
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