Inside St Thomas à Becket's Church, TilsheadInside Norman arcades with the plainest semi-circular arches, but it all seems a little too regular for me and I wonder how much of this is early Wyatt work who restored the church in 1845-6. The clerestory of quatrefoils is probably his work to and the roofs definitely are by him. We wondered what had happened to the cleaner, a vac was lying in the centre of the nave and one rubber glove was placed on a pew near the vestry. Had she spontaneously combusted...? Nope - she had gone for coffee leaving the vestry floor to dry. She was interested in what we were doing but on hearing the word Internet rang her husband unbeknown to us and he appeared to ask further questions. We must have passed the test, which was done in ever-so-friendly a manner! :-) (Information provided by Phil Draper)
Image contributed by Phil Draper on 3rd April 2006.