Inside St Faith's Church, Berrow

Recent Photograph of Inside St Faith's Church (Berrow)

There are only 2 Memorials inside the Church, a stained glass window commissioned by Bertha Webb in memory of two of her uncles, and a WWI Memorial.

Thus it gave me an impression of being a “new” church, but in fact this is not so. According to Mike Salter's Old Parish Churches of Worcestershire, the nave north wall and doorway are Norman, and the chancel 14th century, with the remainder of the church 14-15th century.

For example, the south aisle, and arcade, which can be seen to the right of this photograph were added in the 15th century.

(Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)

Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 4th July 2008.
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