St Kenelm's Church, Clifton upon Teme
This is one of only eight in England dedicated to St Kenelm, an Anglo Saxon saint, who - legend has it - had associations with this area of Worcestershire. He was the son of King Kenwulf, and is reputed to have been murdered at the command of his sister Cwendrida (Quendreda), who wished to inherit the crown for herself. It is said that those who went looking for his body were assisted in their search by a pillar of light shining over the thicket in which his body lay. Some versions of the legend say they carried him back to Winchcombe Abbey in Gloucestershire for burial, others that he was buried where he was slain, but there seems to be agreement that over the place where they found his body, a chapel was built. It is near Clent, in Worcestershire, at a place which still bears the name of St Kenelm. (Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)
Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 24th July 2008.