St Leonard's Church, Cotheridge (Thomas Berkeley)

Recent Photograph of St Leonard's Church (Thomas Berkeley) (Cotheridge)

This memorial is in the Chancel, and the Inscription reads:

In Memory of Thomas BERKELEY Eqr.
The Son of Sr. Rowland BERKELEY of this Parish of Cotheridge Knight.
Who ovt of a generovs cvriosity to see forraigne Cov~
tryes went wt. his Excelcy. Sr. Daniel HARVEY, Embassadovr
Extraordinary from King Charles the second to
Svltan Mahomet Han. Emperovr of the Tvrkes, and
travaileing with the said Embassadovr from Constantinople
towards Thessalonica (where the Embassadovr was to receve.
his avdience from the Emperor) fell sick by the way and
at a city called Megree in Greece, dyed the 25 Day of Oct:
1669 being 30 years of age, and lyeth bvried there
Among the Greeke Christians.
[followed by 17 lines of latin]

(Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)

Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 24th July 2008.
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