The Stocks, Chapel en le FrithThe Stocks lie at the far end of the market place, adjacent to the old main road. They are set in cobbles in a square enclosure with four stout pillars at the corners linked by chains. These days, the main thoroughfare passes them by, but the route followed by the old main road would have passed less than 2 metres from the seat at the rear of the stocks. It would be tempting to assume they have been moved from their original position, but apparently this is not the case. So it must have been a big temptation for travellers on their way through to throw a rotten apple or two! The old main road can be seen on the close-up below, sweeping around the corner of the white building, on the right. (Information provided by Janet Kirk/Rosemary Lockie)
Image contributed by Janet Kirk on 12th July 2009.