WooreExtract from Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England, 1831.Transcribed by Mel Lockie, © Copyright 2010 Lewis Topographical Dictionaries WOORE, a chapelry in that part of the parish of MUCKLESTON which is in the Drayton division of the hundred of BRADFORD (North), county of SALOP, 6 miles (N.N.E.) from Drayton in Hales, containing 365 inhabitants. The chapel has lately received an addition of eighty free sittings, the Incorporated Society for the enlargement of churches and chapels having granted £10 towards defraying the expense. About thirty children are taught in a Sunday school, for an annuity of £10, the bequest of William Elkins, in 1593; to which has been added one of £5, bequeathed by Randolph Woolley, in 1615. |