The Cathedral of St Chad, Lichfield (1987)

Recent Photograph of The Cathedral of St Chad (1987) (Lichfield)

The Cathedral is so tall that it very difficult to get a complete shot from such close quarters. And if one moves further away, the facade is obscured by other buildings.

The Cathedral hasn't changed in over 20 years since I took these photographs, but the techniques for capturing it digitally have. This image is the result of stitching together two scanned prints, doing clever things with skewing and stretching so perspective still looks adequate, and changing the colour balance so that the whole still looks like one photograph. Whereas 'Im Indoors visited the Cathedral in 2009 with a digital camera, and got a whale of a photograph!

(Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)

Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 24th May 1987.
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