Stoney Middleton - Licensed Victuallers 1765-1776

D.R.O. Reference: Q/RA 1/2  1765-1776
Collected and transcribed by Janet Kirk © 2003

“A register or Calendar of all recognizances and conditions thereof entered into by the several persons to to whom Licences for keeping Alehouses Inn & Victualling Houses have been granted by the JPs of the Co. of Derby at their several meetings for such purposes in the respective Hundreds in the sd. co. for which they respectively act and which have been returned to me as Clerk of the Peace pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 26th year of his late Majesty King George the seconds reign intitled an Act for regulating the manner of Licensing Alehouses.”

High Peak Hundred (£10 shown against every name unless shown with an * - presumably the landlord wasnt able to pay the fee, so a surrogate had to step in?)

Victuallers NamesSureties Names
Thos ChapmanWalter Froggatt
John ThornhillThos Chapman
John Froggatt*Robert Hallam & Jeremiah Searles
Edw TimperleyJohn Bramwell
Jeremiah SerlesRbt Thornhill
Edw TimperleyThos Chapman
Thos ChapmanJohn Thornhill
John ThornhillThos Chapman
Jeremiah SearlsAbraham Cooper
John FroggattWm Wilson
Edw TimperleyJeremiah Searls
John ThornhillThos Chapman
Thos ChapmanJohn Thornhill
John FroggattJohn Mosely
Jeremiah SearlsJoseph Wilson
Jeremiah SearlJohn Thornhill
John ThornhillJeremiah Searl
Thos ChapmanWalter Froggatt
John FroggattGeorge Hill
Edw TimperleyJoseph Redfearn
John FroggattJohn Gregory
Thos ChapmanThos Gregory
Jeremiah SearlsWalter Froggatt
Edwd TimperleyPhilip Hinch
John ThornhillJohn Mosley
Thos ChapmanPhilip Hinch
John FroggattRbt Holmes
John ThornhillJoseph Wilson
Jeremiah Searls*Rbt Thornhill & Wm Cockayne
Edwd TimperleyJoseph Redfearn
John FroggattWm Wilson
John ThornhillThos Morton
Thos ChapmanPhilip Hinch
Edwd TimperleyPhilip Hinch
Jeremiah SearlesThos Morton
Ann Frith*James Brightmore & Wm Cockayne
Joseph GreasbyGeorge Robinson
John FroggattJoseph Broomhead
John ThornhillJohn Mosley
Edward TimperleyThomas Brushfield
Jeremiah SearlsGeorge Robinson
John FroggattWilliam Hicks
John ThornilyEdward Timperley
Edward TimperleyPhilip Hinch
Jeremiah SearlsWilliam Marsden
John FroggattJeremiah Searls
Jeremiah SearlsJohn Froggatt
John ThornhillEdward Timperley
Edward TimperleyJohn Thornhill
John FroggattThomas Orgill
Jeremiah SearlsThomas Baggaley
Edward TimperleyPhilip Ince (sic) (Hinch?)
John ThornhillThomas Brightmore

Collected and transcribed by Janet Kirk in November 2003.

A List of the above (1765-1776) by Name
An asterisk (*) in the column below the year against a name indicates that individual's name was recorded as a licensee that year.

  1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776
Thos Chapman*******     
Ann Frith       *    
John Froggatt******* ****
Joseph Greasby       *    
Jeremiah Searls******* ****
John Thornhill(y)******* ****
Edward Timperley******* ****

Tabulated by Rosemary Lockie in December 2003.

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