St Faith's Church, Bacton (Parry Embroidery)

Recent Photograph of St Faith's Church (Parry Embroidery) (Bacton)

The tapestry displayed in this case hangs just opposite the entrance door, and was embroidered by Blanche PARRY. Motifs include foliage, flowers and animals, on a fine cloth streaked with silver. It was formerly used as an altar cloth, and was rumoured to have been part of one of Blanche's dresses, but the Church Leaflet suggests it is too grand for that and is more likely to have belonged to the Queen.

Note: the “windows” in the left and right hand corners are reflections of those in the opposite wall. They add a rather interesting symmetry to the composition!

(Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)

Image contributed by Rosemary Lockie on 8th August 2007.
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