Stoney Middleton - Sketch of The Lovers Leap Inn (2)The sign for the “Lovers Leap” above the door is skillfully done, but we think the signwriter probably did this in the morning, and then had a few pints of ‘lunch’, after which he started on the advertising... He starts off nicely level with the line where the old wooden sign above the door was removed, but what he hasn't seen is that the third window is a little deeper than the first two so he has to swing the letters down announcing “Berry's Sparkling Ales” to get under them! Well that's our theory, anyway! The sketch is based on a postcard showing the same scene; the lettering under the far windows says “Ales and Stout”. (Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)
Sketch contributed by Don Rimmington on 9th August 2004.