Old Photograph of Eyam - Plague Service September 2nd 1907
The postmark on this card is September 2nd 1907. It is likely the Plague Service was held shortly before this date, as it is normally held on the last Sunday in August (Wakes Sunday) in The Delph where William Mompesson held services during the outbreak of Plague in 1665/6. The first commemorative sermon was reached by the Reverend Thomas Seward (Rector 1739-1790) in 1765, a century after the Plague. One hundred years later, on the bi-centenary, three sermons were preached, and in 1965 the Archbishop of York, Dr. D. Coggan, later Archbishop of Canterbury led the service. It has been an annual event since 1905, so this image captures the 2nd anniversary of its renewal. An enlarged version (1.66MB) of this photograph is available for those who would like a closer look. (Information provided by Rosemary Lockie) This is one of a series of postcards sent to Mary Elizabeth McCann (née Bamford) by friends and relatives living in Eyam, after she went to live in Romiley in Cheshire. She was the submitter, Andrew's grandmother.
Image contributed by Andrew McCann on 21st October 2007.