Well Dressing ‘Martha and Mary’, Stoney Middleton (1937)

Recent Photograph of Well Dressing ‘Martha and Mary’ (1937) (Stoney Middleton)

This photograph was taken by my father. The subject of the other Well Dressing in 1937, of which I also have a photograph he took, was 'The Woman of Samaria'.

This was only the third year of dressing the Wells at Stoney Middleton - the custom had been started (or been revived) in the village in 1935 by Oliver Shimwell, the Headmaster of the village school for George V's Jubilee Year. It has continued ever since, apart from a break during the War Years.

Stoney Middleton also celebrated George VI's and Queen Elizabeth's Coronation in 1937 with a Sheeproast.

Some notes on The Derbyshire Custom of Well Dressing (provided by Derek Lee, of Foolow) are available on a separate web page.

(Information provided by Rosemary Lockie)

Stoney Middleton, A Working Village - Millennium Awards booklet published 2002.

Image contributed by William Goddard in August 1937.
This is a Genealogy Website
URL of this page: https://places.wishful-thinking.org.uk/DBY/StoneyMiddleton/Well1937.html
Logo by courtesy of the Open Clip Art Library